Why Mobile Optimization Matters & Best Practices

Over half of the world’s internet users access the internet via a mobile phone. Here’s why mobile optimization matters and best practices for mobile optimization.

Elaine Frieman

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Why CRM Integration Matters & Best Practices

CRM stands for ‘customer relationship management.’ Companies often use CRM software to manage their customer and potential customer interactions.

Elaine Frieman

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Designing Your Business Website: DIY or Hire a Pro?

You’ve got the name. You’ve got the logo. You’ve got the concept. Time to bring your product or service to the wide world of the web. Easy, right?

Ali Jaffar

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The Importance of Branding in Web Design and SEO

Here’s why branding is just as important as SEO and web design and why they go hand-in-hand.

Elaine Frieman

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What is Web Design’s Role in SEO?

We’re a web-based world. From computers to tablets to mobile devices, the web answers our questions, tells us what to buy, lets us know what our friends are up to, and keeps us from being bored when we are waiting at the doctor’s office. Think about it. How often do you Google something on your phone (or ask Alexa, Siri, or Google assistant)?

Elaine Frieman

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Marketing Innovation: Accelerating Change and the Big Fight to Stay Relevant

With the constant exponential evolution of technology, media and consumer behavior – the marketing landscape has kept progressively advancing – rewarding innovative companies and ushering in the Age of Assistance.

Ali Jaffar

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Google’s Mobile-First Indexing: A Welcomed Paradigm Shift

After 1.5 years of experimentation3, Google has decided that today is the big day. Google is finally rolling out mobile-first indexing.

Ali Jaffar

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Some Designs Work Better Than Other Designs

You may find yourself thinking: “which design is better?” If you’re about to launch a new website, or are evaluating your existing website, it’s important to understand why some designs are better than others.

Ali Jaffar

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Conduct a Free SEO Audit to Improve Rankings

The discoverability of your website is crucial to its success, so you should conduct an SEO audit to ensure that your customer base can quickly and easily find your business when they search online.

Ali Jaffar

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Benefits of a Mobile Site for Businesses

More and more users are spending time on mobile sites, so getting a mobile site right for your business is crucial to your success. In a mobile-led world, consumer expectations are high.

Ali Jaffar

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Award-Winning Website Transformation for a Nonprofit Organization in Pennsylvania

Pittsburgh, PA, : Website redesign and cohesive brand messaging unlocks transformations for a regional nonprofit ecosystem in the Greater Pittsburgh region

Website redesign and cohesive brand messaging unlocks transformations for a regional nonprofit ecosystem in the Greater Pittsburgh region

Nonprofit Website Redesign & Marketing Case Study
Nonprofit website redesign for Pennsylvania-based philanthropic organization supporting community-based nonprofit human services and social services organizations