Unlocking Human Potential: How AI Boosts Productivity and Streamlines Workflow

Explore a world where artificial intelligence isn’t a threat but a benefi, streamlining work processes, and amplifying human creativity in unexpected ways. Dive into the many facets of how AI can elevate efficiency, unearth critical data, and refine customer interactions, all while maintaining a human-centric approach

Elaine Frieman

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Emerging Web Design Trends for Hyper Personalized User Experiences, Powered by AI, Creativity, and Data

Explore emerging web design trends, combining AI and data-driven approaches to craft deeply personalized and ethical user experiences. Navigating through technological advancements, the focus sharpens on balancing innovative designs with safeguarding user data, ensuring not only visual appeal but also engaging, ethical, and uniquely tailored online interactions.

Elaine Frieman

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Creating a Website to Remember: A Guide for Nonprofits

Looking to create a website that truly reflects your nonprofit organization’s mission and values? Check out Key Medium’s ultimate guide to nonprofit website design. Learn how to create user-friendly content, structure your site for maximum impact, and optimize for search engines. Get inspired by real-life success stories and discover how to find the perfect design team to meet your unique needs. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to give your current website a major overhaul, our guide will help you create a website that makes a lasting impression. Don’t miss out on this essential resource for building the best nonprofit website!

Ali Jaffar

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Digital Experience Terminology Cheat Sheet

A glossary of digital marketing, website design and development terminology. This cheat sheet will assist you in navigating various website marketing, website development, and design terms.

Ali Jaffar

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Your Guide to a WordPress Web Development Project’s Scope of Work

Before starting your project, you need to understand your WordPress development project’s scope of work (SOW). Here’s everything you need to know about what should be included in your project’s scope of work.

Ali Jaffar

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6 Tips for Budgeting a Website Redesign—While Retaining or Improving SEO on Google

Building or redesigning a website sounds scary and extensive. What to include, what not to include, how many pages, how many categories, how much will it all cost. These are just a few of the questions that may arise

Ali Jaffar

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Top 10 Web Design Mistakes In 2021 with Jakob Nielsen

In 2021, the three characteristics the top ten web design mistakes were ‘Evil, Stupid, and Lazy.’ Dive in to hear about why you shouldn’t have massive hero images above the fold because people need to have immediate choices and see what the site is about to learn and have a delightful browsing experience.

Ali Jaffar

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How to Create a Top-Notch User Experience by Enhancing Your Website’s Information Architecture

Read how crafting a website’s information architecture typically begins with research in order to best understand what the users will be looking for, what their intent is, where they are coming from, and so on.

Ali Jaffar

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Designing a Nonprofit Website in Six Steps

If your nonprofit website design is poorly-performing and mismanaged, you may be turning away your prospective donors and advocates. Your nonprofit brand will suffer as a result, leading to less than maximally desired or achievable impact. Read these six steps to fix your nonprofit website design.

Ali Jaffar

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Tips for Connecting Your Website to Holistic Analytics Tools to Measure KPIs in Real-Time

The process of gathering, analyzing, and using this data to make measurable improvements to your website and marketing strategies is called website analytics. Website analytics measures key performance indicators (KPIs), helping you set goals for improvement. But how do you gather this data and what do you do with it once you have it? What do you need to know to get started with website analytics tools?

Brittany Howard

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Award-Winning Website Transformation for a Nonprofit Organization in Pennsylvania

Pittsburgh, PA, : Website redesign and cohesive brand messaging unlocks transformations for a regional nonprofit ecosystem in the Greater Pittsburgh region

Website redesign and cohesive brand messaging unlocks transformations for a regional nonprofit ecosystem in the Greater Pittsburgh region

Nonprofit Website Redesign & Marketing Case Study
Nonprofit website redesign for Pennsylvania-based philanthropic organization supporting community-based nonprofit human services and social services organizations