Common Branding Mistakes that Hurt Your Company Image

When companies get it right, branding can work like peanut butter and chocolate. But companies that get it wrong can face public backlash. Here is how branding mistakes can hurt your image.

Elaine Frieman

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Customer Experience vs User Experience

What’s the difference between customer experience vs user experience and do they matter to your business? Find out more about the two elements of customer experience and how you can improve.

Elaine Frieman

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How to Get Users to Actually Read Your Words

Have you ever picked up a book and not been able to set it down? Maybe you’ve opened an email and started reading it, only to realize before you knew it you were half-way through. Have you ever stopped to wonder why you may stay longer on some websites, and simply click away from others?This has to do with the narrative and the words used. Yes, the written content on any website or book plays a huge part in retaining our interest and keeping our attention.

Ali Jaffar

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How Google Uses Contextual Signals to Personalize Messages to Mobile Users

More than half of all Google searches are now conducted on mobile phones, which means that it’s now more important than ever to ensure your website and every single page on your site is optimized for mobile, is user-friendly, and optimized for local search.

Elaine Frieman

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Website Redesign vs Rebuild

The average lifespan of a well-designed and structured website is anywhere from three to seven years. The decision to redesign shouldn’t be taken lightly and shouldn’t be done on a whim to follow the latest trends. Redesigning and rebuilding your website to ensure it’s in top form can be the best investment you make; however, the bottom line is that redesigns and rebuilds are expensive. Let’s take a look at redesign vs rebuild: which is better value for money and which will get you long-term results.

Elaine Frieman

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Top Four Website Structures and Sitemap Design for Purpose-Driven Organizations (Guide)

There’s both an art and science to great web design. There are the visual, layout, and psychological aspects but also the underlying technical aspects such as sitemap design, user experience considerations, technical SEO, on-page and off-page SEO, local SEO, schema, understanding Google’s search journeys, preference for mobile-first and mobile optimization, and AI-first, and much more.

Ali Jaffar

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What is the Difference Between UI and UX Design, and Why Does It Matter?

What’s the difference between UI and UX? The difference between a user-friendly website and one with a high bounce rate is good design.

Brittany Howard

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Achieving a Digital Advantage is Key to Unlocking Insane Growth

Digital growth. There is a lot of buzz around that subject, yet many don’t even know what it exactly means, or how to apply the knowledge that they have.

Ali Jaffar

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Designing for People-First Matters: Why Mobile-First is a Necessity

Mobile performance matters. Even a hundredth of a second may be the difference between enhancing the user’s experience or increasing your bounce rate.

Elaine Frieman

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Why Compelling Imagery Matters & Best Practices

Imagery is everywhere and it’s an integral part of our world. From advertising to city planning to nature to what we perceive as beautiful, scary, macabre, and anything in between, imagery plays a big role.

Elaine Frieman

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Award-Winning Website Transformation for a Nonprofit Organization in Pennsylvania

Pittsburgh, PA, : Website redesign and cohesive brand messaging unlocks transformations for a regional nonprofit ecosystem in the Greater Pittsburgh region

Website redesign and cohesive brand messaging unlocks transformations for a regional nonprofit ecosystem in the Greater Pittsburgh region

Nonprofit Website Redesign & Marketing Case Study
Nonprofit website redesign for Pennsylvania-based philanthropic organization supporting community-based nonprofit human services and social services organizations