Digital Design Intern Spotlight

Key Medium Digital Design Services

Digital Design Intern Interview with Destiny Simmons

We sat down with Destiny, our newest team member and first-ever Digital Design Intern, for a fun Q + A on her first day at Key Medium.

1. Where do you go to school and what are you studying?

I go to Hussian College in Philadelphia, and I’m studying graphic design, and UI/UX.

2. Why did you choose that major?

I’ve always loved designing and creating, and the psychology behind design and its prevalence in society fascinates me. When people find my designs effective and meaningful, I feel satisfied. My goal is to learn how to create designs that inspire emotion and action.

3. What’s been your favorite college course so far?

My favorite courses are my coding classes. I have a lot of fun trying to figure out how to problem solve, identify faulty code, and fix it so it works. It takes a lot of practice and patience, but seeing my designs come to life makes every iteration – no matter how frustrating – more than worth it

4.Do you have any secret talents?

Many people don’t know I’m skilled in music production. Music is a passion of mine, so learning how to use a digital audio workstation (DAW) came naturally to me. Like design work, my music projects allow me to collaborate with people I can learn from and enjoy the time we spend together.

5.What’s your dream job?

My dream job is to be a top graphic designer at a cool design firm in Philly or New York. My second dream job is teaching. I’d like to travel and teach English in Japan. Locally, I’d like to teach art or coding classes, preferably in an underprivileged neighborhood.

6.What would you like to learn during your internship?

My goal for this internship is to sharpen my coding and design skills and learn the landscape of the agency world. I want to perfect the art of translating a client’s wants into quality, functional designs that will serve them best. I want to solve their problems – stylishly.

Being a digital design intern at Key Medium will definitely help me achieve those goals. Working with Ali and Erkan, I have partners in both my personal and professional growth during and beyond my college experience.

Are you studying digital design or web development? Intern at Key Medium!

Send us an email at with your CV and a link to your portfolio. We’d love to help you learn and grow alongside your college courses.