Ways to Get Your Website Optimized for Voice Assistants

Voice search is here to stay, so here are ways to get your website optimized for voice assistants.

Elaine Frieman

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Voice Search Marketing: Are You Ready for the Future?

As of 2018, over 1 billion search inquiries per month are made via voice. Voice search has experienced explosive growth due to the increasing popularity of affordable and convenient voice-powered devices like Google Assistant, Amazon’s Alexa, and Apple’s Siri.

Ali Jaffar

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Marketing in a Voice Search World

We recently wrote about the state of marketing today, and what the future of marketing entails. Well, the future is here and now – with voice search.

Ali Jaffar

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Google’s Mobile-First Indexing: A Welcomed Paradigm Shift

After 1.5 years of experimentation3, Google has decided that today is the big day. Google is finally rolling out mobile-first indexing.

Ali Jaffar

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Award-Winning Website Transformation for a Nonprofit Organization in Pennsylvania

Pittsburgh, PA, : Website redesign and cohesive brand messaging unlocks transformations for a regional nonprofit ecosystem in the Greater Pittsburgh region

Website redesign and cohesive brand messaging unlocks transformations for a regional nonprofit ecosystem in the Greater Pittsburgh region

Nonprofit Website Redesign & Marketing Case Study
Nonprofit website redesign for Pennsylvania-based philanthropic organization supporting community-based nonprofit human services and social services organizations