Web Development

An Introduction to Responsive Web Frameworks in 2015

Every website and application you use should be custom-tailored for your eyes and for ease-of-use. Responsive web design enables content to feel at home – whether in the palm of your hands or on the screen in front of you.

In 2015, mobile devices were used 17% more than desktops. As the trend continues, it remains obvious that responsive layouts – those which are flexible, not fixed – are necessary to reach users across every digital medium. Layouts must work on mobile, desktop, or any other device. Responding to the needs of the users and the devices they’re using is exactly what responsive design accomplishes.
The trend in mobile device usage ('vertical screens') compared to all screen use again shows that we're well past the tipping point of mobile vs. desktop.
Unfortunately, much of the web is still not optimized to be cross-device compatible! Thankfully, the rise of open-source, responsive web frameworks are giving way to a much more sophisticated approach to web design and development alike. Not just that, Google released an update to their search algorithm penalizing those who still use old designs that aren't mobile-friendly. You can use this tool to check.

How does a responsive layout work?

Simply, the layout changes based on the size and capabilities of the device. For instance, a smartphone user would see content as a single column, whereas on a tablet the same exact content will show within two columns. It's quite brilliant, actually. We can thank Ethan Marcotte for originally defining responsive web design 5 years ago.

Why are responsive web frameworks important?

Responsive web frameworks enable both web developers and designers. We use them to create beautiful, pixel-perfect websites and applications, and in a much shorter time. Today, much of the modern web is formed by an ingenious re-use of open-source technologies and design principles. At the forefront of the modern web – responsive web frameworks. Recreating the same CSS styles, HTML tags, and JavaScript code makes no sense. This is where web frameworks come in handy for developers and designers alike. Not only that, they help streamline the entire design and development process in order to focus on what matter – the user's experience (UX for short).

What makes a good mobile site?

Google and AnswerLab conducted a research study to answer this question. They found the key takeaway to be that:
Mobile users are very goal-oriented. They expect to be able to get what they need, immediately, and on their own terms.
I hope you enjoyed this article and learned a thing or two. Tell your friends about it check out our top 6 web frameworks! Reference: Smart Insights
Ali Jaffar

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